Final Application Design

Concept Board

Layout Ideas..

This are a few ideas a came up for my splash page and main page. I still have a couple more sketches for the buttons and pages that i will later upload. So which one do you think is good? Help me out yeah.


These are a few fonts that i may use for my application. I plan to use a type face that has a nature and decorative design to it so that, the viewer for my application would feel the mood concerning my topic.

Project Proposal Resubmission

Orang Asli and their home.

Purpose (aim/objectives)
The aim of this study is to reach a deeper understanding of the way Orang Asli lives.

The main objectives of the research are to:

  • Gather information about Orang Asli.
  • To see how Orang Asli lives.
  • To develop an understanding and be able to execute the project with sufficient information on Orang Asli.
  • To study and share about Orang Asli houses.

The application is intended for anyone ranging from any age.

Research methods

  • Visiting Orang Asli villages.
  • Have an interview with Orang Asli.
  • Gathering photos on site.

Expected impact of research project

  • As a reference and learning resources.
  • I hope it widens the knowledge of the viewer about Orang Asli.

Schedule of research project

Week 3-5 Submitting my proposal and the concept of my application

Week 5-7 Planning of my project and gathering research data.

Week 7-8 Conducting basic research on Orang Asli

22-25 of July 2010 Field trip to Belum Rainforest and gathering on site research

Week 8-13 Starting to create the application

Week 14 Project Submission

Research Question on The Project

  • Does the application explan about Orang Asli and their history? Yes
  • Does the application have its own style and theme? Yes
  • Does the application contain sound? Yes
  • Does the application contain video? No
  • Does the application have pictures? Yes

Research Question for the Orang Asli's

  • How was the houses built?
  • What type of materials did you use?
  • How long does it take to complete one house?
  • What makes the whole village move all of a sudden?
  • What type of houses are built?

Center For Orang Asli Converns
Health Care For Orang Asli
Indigenous Peoples Movement
The Orang Asli of Malaysia
The Star Online

MBs and CMs to discuss orang asli land ownership issue

Jangan Pinggirkan Orang Asli
Institute of South East Asian Studies
Basic human rights for the Orang Asli

Orang Asli's House

Through my research on the Orang Asli house, there is basically nothing much of a difference between the type of house the Temiar and Jahai tribe live in. Both have a major similarities from the process and ways they build, and to the materials they use.

Even though the government has sponsored them building a modern wooden house, most still prefer to live in their traditional wooden house just because it's much cooler. They say the type of material used on the roof makes a whole different of the temperature inside the house. I would have to agree to that because, when i stepped inside their traditional wooden house, it feels so cool and relaxing.

These are photos of houses from the Jahai and the Temiar tribe I took while i went to the Belum Rainforest.

A modern government built Temiar house.

The front porch of the house.

Side view of the house. Some houses are equipped with solar panel.

Another side view of the house.

A scene of the area.

This is a traditional wooden house of the Temiar tribe.

A view from the side of the house.

They build their house above the ground to avoid from water coming in.

This is a traditional way they use to cook.

An overview inside a traditional wooden house.

A view from the back of the house.

Another side view of the house.

One of the house uses this type of ladder to enter the house.

A view from the front of the house.

Out side of the house.

This is the kitchen.
One of the room in the traditional wooden house.
They even still use the traditional way to cook.
The roof of the traditional wooden house.

Not much of a privacy. They use bamboo as their wall.

This is the Jahai tribe's traditional wooden house beside the banks.
Another view of the Jahai tribe's house.

Jahai tribe's village.

Another Jahai tribe's village.
This is a Jahai tribe's resting hut.

Some of the modern government built house.

This is another modern house along the banks.

From a distance, you can see the Temiar traditional wooden house.

Plans of the Navigation

Since I will be focusing on a small topic, I plan to have 4 main pages including the main page of the application which is the home.
There will be an 'About' page where I'll include informations of the Orang Asli such as, their history, types of group and their demography around Malaysia. The next page would show my main idea of the application which is focusing more on the Orang Asli house. The page will include an overview of how the houses are built. The next page will be the 'Gallery' page where there will be pictures at the Belum Rainforest, the Jahai tribe and the Temiar tribe.

Gantt chart

Week 3-5
Submitting my proposal and the concept of my application

Week 5-7
Planning of my project and gathering research data.

Week 7-8
Conducting basic research on Orang Asli

22-25 of July 2010
Field trip to Belum Rainforest and gathering on site research

Week 8-13
Starting to create the application

Week 14
Project Submission

Plans of the Navigation

Since I will be focusing on a small topic, I plan to have 4 main pages including the main page of the application which is the home.
There will be an 'About' page where I'll include informations of the Orang Asli such as, their history, types of group and their demography around Malaysia. The next page would show my main idea of the application which is focusing more on the Orang Asli house. The page will include an overview of how the houses are built. The next page will be the 'Gallery' page where there will be pictures at the Belum Rainforest, the Jahai tribe and the Temiar tribe.

Mind Map

Orang Asli Research

A video of Orang Asli from the Jahai tribe near Tasik Belum

This map is reproduced from Robert Knox Dentan et. al. Malaysia and the Original People: A Case Study of the Impact of Development on Indigenous Peoples. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997 and was adapted from Geoffrey Benjamin's In the Long Term: Three Themes in Malayan Cultural Ecology in Southeast Asia. Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies: Ann Arbor, 1985. The historically-known maximal distributions are indicated here. At the present time, most Orang Asli occupy smaller and more discontinuous territories.


It is estimated that there are only 0.5% which is around 148 000 of Orang Asli among the overall population of Malaysia. The Senois, is one of the largest group in the Orang Asli population, consituting about 54%. While the balance percentage are Proto-Malays, 43% and Semang, 3%.


Groups of Orang Asli
The name "Negrito" suggest, that these people come from Papua New Guinea or East Africa. They also have dark-skinned and frizzy-hair. Other groups of the Orang Asli are more light-skinned and have straight hair.
The Negrito's live in the North and North East of the Peninsular and mostly they live in the jungle. They are the semi-nomadic tribes of the Orang Asli. Only a few of them also live in urban areas and are engaged in both waged and salaried jobs.
It is thought that the Negrito's arrived in Malaya 8,000 years ago. Their forefathers were also hunters and gatherers who lived in caves and rock shelters. They knew the use of fire and cooked their food with the aid of crude instruments made from stone. They hunt for food and gather fruits as well as forest products for medical use.

Many Senoi live in the Cameron Highlands. They just look like a real Malaysians, although the dark ones look like Negrito's. Originally they must have come from the hills in Vietnam, Cambodia or Northern Thailand, about 6000 - 8000 years ago
In the highlands the Senoi live as wage-earners, working on the highland tea estates. Others you can see in the streets of Kuala Lumpur in jeans and a T-shirt. They have obtained jobs as varied as government employees and taxi drivers
When you have left the highway you'll see a sign with "Orang Asli" village on it.

The members of the Proto-Malay tribes, whose ancestors were believed to have migrated from the Indonesian islands to the south of the peninsula, speak dialects which belong to the same Austronesian family of languages as Malay, with the exceptions of the Semelai and Temoq dialects (which are Austroasiatic).

The Orang Asli have equally varied occupations and ways of life. The Orang Laut, Orang Seletar and Mah Meri, for example, live close to the coast and are mainly fishermen. Some Temuan, Jakun and Semai people have taken to permanent agriculture and now manage their own rubber, oil palm or cocoa farms.

Of the 869 Orang Asli communities in the peninsula, 37.2 per cent are in interior/forest areas while 61.4 per cent are in forest-fringe or rural areas. Only 1.4 per cent of the Orang Asli settlements are in, or close to, urban centers. Many of the communities living live close to, or within forested areas – including Semai, Temiar, Chewong, Jah Hut, Semelai and Semoq Beri – still engage in swiddening (hill rice cultivation) and do some hunting, fishing and gathering. These communities also trade in petai, durian, rattan and resins to earn cash incomes.

A very small number, especially among the Negrito groups (such as Jahai and Batek) are still semi-nomadic, preferring to take advantage of the seasonal bounties of the forest. A significant number of Orang Asli also have salaried jobs or are self-employed.

Nevertheless, one fact remains the same for all Orang Asli: they are the descendants of the earliest inhabitants of the peninsula and they have retained much of their identity which is distinct from the mainstream society.

Source: &


Slave raids into Orang Asli settlements were not an uncommon feature in the 18th and 19th centuries. The slave-raiders were mainly Malays and Bataks, who considered the Orang Asli as ‘kafirs’, ‘non-humans’, ‘savages’ and ‘jungle-beasts.’

The modus operandi was basically to swoop down on a settlement and kill off all the adult men. Women and children were preferred as they were less likely to run away and were ‘easier to tame’. The Orang Asli slaves were sold off or given to local rulers and chieftains to gain their favour.

A considerable trade in slaves thus soon developed – and even continued into the last century despite the official abolition of all forms of slavery in 1884. In fact, the derogatory term Sakai used to refer to the Orang Asli until the middle of this century was often taken to mean ‘slave’ or ‘dependent’. Many Orang Asli elders still remember this sad period of their history, and all Orang Asli detest being called Sakai.


What I Have To Say

Based on my research, I have found out that many Orang Asli have taken various steps to assert their rights. Some have them have even resort to the courts for help.

These animosity revolved around the feeling of insecure of ownership towards their ancestor land, the lack of consultation matters that affect them, discrimination in distributive justice and others having full control of their department instead of them. Infect, it is stated by the government that, Orang Asli are anti-progress or in other words avoid being develop with the modern world. On contrary, they wish they would be included with the vast development of the country, but ask that they be consulted before such 'development' is enfocre to them.

This would require an approach that centres on forging a new culture of respect, cooperation, freedom and social justice. It would involve reforming the regime of laws, policies and the institutions that have directed the administration of Orang Asli affairs thus far. It would also involve the developing and strengthening of national dispute-resolution arrangements especially in relation to the settlement of Orang Asli claims to land and resource rights.


Project Proposal

About Orang Asli settlement and their home.

To educate people about the culture of Orang Asli and how they live

  • To create a interactive application concerning Orang Asli and its culture
  • To share how Orang Asli live
  • To give a wider information about Orang Asli
The targeted audience for the application is mainly for anyone ranging from any age.

The name "Orang Asli" means "original people" or "first people". They all live on the Peninsular of Malaysia. Nowadays there about 60.000 Orang Asli people, of which 60% still live in the rain forest. About 40% Orang Asli live along or near the coast. Each has its own language and culture, and perceives itself as different from the others. Linguistically, some of the northern Orang Asli groups speak languages, that suggest a historical link with the indigenous peoples in Burma, Thailand and Indo-China.
They are classified into three groups:
- Senoi
- Orang Malayu Asli
- Negrito

An Orang Asli walking home after working at the jungle. | Kg Orang Asli Bateq, Kuala Koh
Photo by: Sarolazmi

Capo Tribu Orang Asli
Photo by: brunello62

A young Orang Asli boy and behind is his village
Photo by: Mio Cade

An Orang Asli village
An Orang Asli village in the jungle
Photo by: soobee

Flora And Fauna Poster

Poster Documentation

My poster is based on a simple and clean design.

Here are the steps to making my poster.

This is the photo I used in my poster which i took while I was at FRIM Kepong

First I bump up the levels for the photo to enhance the contrast and brightness.

I then use the lens flare tool in the filter menu to add a sun glare to my poster.

I then use the brush tool and drop the opacity to 32% and create a dark vignette around the photo.

I then use Verdana as my font for the text in my poster.

Last, I use the blending tool to add and inner shadow and stroke to the text.